Adam Spiker
Name: Adam Spiker
Vehicle: 2006 LR3
Modifications: No mods other than rock sliders and Nitto Ridge Grappler tires
Previous Rovers owned: 2004 Freelander SE3; 2004 Discovery II; 2x 2005 LR3; 2007 RR Sport
About Me:
I like to have my windows down. Being in the lead means no dust. Also, there’s that part about inspiring others who may be less experienced to push their limits just a bit and teaching them how to. I enjoy showing how the amazing technology of their vehicles—specifically terrain response—can literally make the experience stressless, effortless, and much more enjoyable. As well, you just can’t beat the camaraderie of the other Trail Leaders. The time we spend together, either online planning or on trail making memories, the moments are so rich.
Favorite Destinations:
I’m from CO so my favorite trails will always be up there, simply due to the grandure of the environment. In CA I guess it used to be Gold Mtn., but I’m at a point where my idea of a challenge is step, not rock crawling. I really enjoyed the trail I helped lead for RR last year, it offered scenery, meadows, steeps, slight technical, just the right amount of everything. That is where the adventure is, doing new things, finding new “wow” moments. My favorite experience was in CO, on the Black Bear Pass. I was leading a group of people on a 10 day vehicle-dependent excursion and had one participant who was kind of a hot shot in his hometown in TX. He was king of the hill in real estate. Long story short, I found myself consoling him at the bottom of the primary descent. He found himself in tears of humility. He realized at some point in the previous quarter mile that he wasn’t all that big compared to the rising peaks around him and the humbling challenge he had overcome. That man was changed. For good. I’ve kept in touch with him over the years and when he returned to TX he cashed out, got out, and completely changed the way he lived and viewed others. Amazing lesson for me. Lots to unpack from that but I’ve been privy to many similar cathartic experiences like that on the trail and it’s amazing.
Why I Love SCRC:
I was fortunate enough to be a part of the club back in the heydays of 2005-2008 when the club was on fire, lots of people who loved the same things and clearly had passion. I was again fortunate enough to be apart of the most recent rebirth of the club. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes we’re seeing so many people longing for something that the club happens to satisfy. I love being a part of someone else making lifetime memories.